Thursday, November 10, 2011


Is going OK.  Not great, not fantastic, but OK.  Not meeting my daily writing goals the last few days, didn't write anything two days in a row, but in my defense, I was in bed sick by 6:30 on Tuesday and by 8:30 yesterday.  Most (all?) of my writing is usually done after the boys go to bed, so....

The story is terrible, in a really bad way.  I went with what I love, zombies.  So yes, it is a post apocalyptic zombie novel, featuring family, love, loss, betrayal and hope.  Above all, hope.  That's what life is about after all, with or without the undead craving human flesh.  A few of you have asked to read it, and the answer remains the same - maybe once it has been edited. 

NaNoWriMo doesn't leave much (any?) time to edit or to cross check things.  Basically its about getting your 1,667 words in a day and leaving it at that.  Most days that hasn't been hard - I find that when I write, I average about 2,000 words, so its more about finding the time (and health, damn you flu bug!) to write.

That's it for now, just a quick update to let you know it was all still running.  Back to the grindstone.